Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 - A Summary

If 2012 brought death and sorrow to my life then 2013 brought disease and frustration.  I first noticed a slight tremor in my right hand when Derek was in the hospital, but I wrote it off to stress.  Over the next year it slowly got worse, and I noticed that my handwriting, which was never good, was deteriorating.  Buttoning my shirt got more difficult, as did eating with chopsticks.  I knew what it was but I denied it, until I finally went to see a neurologist who confirmed my fears and diagnosed Parkinson Disease.

So now my problem has a name and a face, a treatment and a prognosis.  I will get worse, but how fast I will fail is unknown.  Now really is the beginning of the end of my life; tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life. 

Maybe I should feel sadness and depression, but instead I feel anger and frustration; I simply don’t have time for this.  I am a doctor - I am not a patient.  Except, of course, that I am a patient with a primary doctor, a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders, a physical therapist, a speech therapist, and probably most importantly a clinical psychologist.  I’m not even taking medication - yet.  But soon I will need to start, and once I start I can never stop.

When I sat down to write I intended to reflect on what I did in 2013, so I’ll move on to that.  I went to Hong Kong, Thailand, and Bhutan.  We moved from Albuquerque to Seattle, and I worked several separate times in Shiprock NM.  We took short trips to Pacific Beach WA, Port Angeles WA, and Vancouver BC. I went to my 50th high school reunion.  We made several trips to Oregon to visit family and friends.  We bought a new car.  And we babysat our grandson Oran, who is the candle flame in our darkness.  Nothing heals better than a child's laughter.

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